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Broyeur Plant In Pakistan

Broyeurs BOSCH - Horticultural Society of Pakistan

The book is one of its kind. It deals with soil and climate considering the environmental conditions of Pakistan. In recognition of his services, he was awarded the Presidents Award for Pride of


Home Bio Tech Energy (PVT) Ltd

Bio Tech Energy is located in the industrial area called Sheikhupura, in Pakistan and produces bio diesel to EN14214 standard for customers in Europe and sells Bio Diesel in the local market.


Agritech Limited – Agritech (Formerly Pak-American Fertilizers LTD)

Agritech (Formerly Pak-American Fertilizers LTD) was the first Nitrogenous fertilizer plant built in Pakistan. It was commissioned in 1958 with production capacity of 50000 MTPA of Ammonium


Bioenergy production in Pakistan: Potential, progress, and prospect

2022.3.25  We thoroughly discussed the current state of the energy mix of Pakistan, the progress and potential of the bioenergy sector in the country, and presented a prospect of


Our Facility – Iftekhar Ahmed Co

Iftekhar Ahmed Co. has two aseptic fruit pulp concentrate processing factories in two provinces of Pakistan - in Karachi (Sindh) Sargodha (Punjab). With state-of-the-art German


Bayer Pakistan Bayer Pakistan

Bayer’s operations in Pakistan encompass three divisions: Crop Science, Pharmaceuticals, and Consumer Health, through which we work to contribute to providing solutions for a better life,


Bio Tech pk

BioTech Pakistan is working in the field of Green Energy Generation since 2010 to mitigate climate change impacts. We are specialized in providing site specific energy solutions


Lahore Customer Service Pakistan Bühler - BUHLERGROUP

Bühler Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. Plot #499, Sundar Industrial Estate, Raiwind Road Lahore, Pakistan. Bühler Pakistan offers comprehensive solutions utilizing our local customer service team in



Almoiz Industries Ltd is the only sugar manufacturers in Pakistan that produce sugar both from sugarcane and sugarbeet. We grow sugar beets over 20,000 acres divided among 4,000 farmers.


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